
The directorate colleges established in 1949, and the charge of DPI was given to Prof. Dr. Nazir-ul-Islam to head it. In 1982, the department was divided into two separate directorates to perform their jobs more precisely i.e. directorate colleges and directorate schools. Furthermore, in 1993, the two divisional directorates were established in Mirpur and Muzaffarabad.

Our Vision

Provide access and quality education at all levels to make people highly educated and skilled so that they may be employed to become productive citizens of the state.

The vision of Higher Education is to promote development of an enlightened and prospering Azad Jammu & Kashmir by reinforcing knowledge economy along with a focus on equitable and quality learning. The realization of the higher education department’s vision of “enlightened and prospering Azad Jammu & Kashmir by reinforcing knowledge economy” rests on the shift from access to quality which is evident from the key initiatives it has taken in recent past.